EP stands for "Extended pH" range. Chromenta EP packing material is made by our proprietary grafting process that evenly incorporates organic layers on the surface of ultra-high purity (99.999% SiO2) porous silica particles. This polymer-coated Chromenta EP packing material is designed to provide excellent peak shape, high efficiency, and particularly long lifetime for use in high pH. In addition, Chromenta EP columns can be used in low and intermediate pH with excellent stability. In mid-pH range, the hybrid polymer-silica layers effectively shield analytes from the surface silanol groups, thus further improve the peak shape.
Chromenta EP-NH2, an aminopropyl HPLC column, has overcome these short-comings by combining the best of both silica and polymer. The Chromenta EP-NH2 in 3um and 5um particles 120A pore sizes are stable in 100% water from pH 2.0 to 12.0. It has the efficiency of silica-based columns while retaining the chemical strength of polymer-based. One can expect a significant contribution of this HPLC column in food science, glycomics, metabolomics, biofuel, and post-translational modification characterizations. The amino columns at pH 5.8 generally produce better peak shape than amide columns for phosphorylated compounds, including triphosphates. At high pH 9.5, the amino HILIC column detects more peaks than other columns in metabolite profiling, better than other amide, SiO2, or CN HILIC columns.